
Training (磨練)


隨便拿起一本家庭輔導 (Family Therapy) 的書,都知道結婚真的是「合二姓之好」:是兩個人從自己成長的家庭中,將期望與傷痛帶到新的家庭內。成功的家庭,是大家治療傷口、繼續成長的地方;而失敗了的,便又留下了一個新的傷口。

也許我太傳統,撿視自己的期望時,還曾經抱著少時學回來的「社會腳本」(Social Script):建立一個幸福的家庭,努力的工作,讓家人生活無憂;到黃昏回家時,總是窗明几淨,還有個溫馨的擁抱在等著疲倦的歸人。






冥冥之中似有種力量,迫你離開你舒適的生活 (Comfort Zone),去闖去經驗,最終學懂要學的課,所以我們白白錯過了高薪厚職、錯過了夢想生活;也許其實沒有什麼課要學,生活本身就是目的、就是修行。

4 則留言:

mad dog 說...

"也許其實沒有什麼課要學,生活本身就是目的" 非常同意!!!

匿名 說...

Very touching. Following your reasoning, you will know that blessing is just not enough for your friends' wedding, some, more, and a lot of material or monetary support from you will definitely be appreciated.

paulsin 說...

Mad Dog, good to see you again! :)

JK, when Australian dollars rising each day, do you really think you deserve any support? Ha ha ha..

匿名 說...

Dear paul, Yes certainly and you provided the best reason for it. You should well aware that high interest rate drives up currency, and at the same time increases the liability of mortgages and personal loans. Since you wrote about those sub-prime mortgage and bank, you also know how easy married couples is one the edge of default, losing our house, declaring bankrupt and breaking up, etc. So when the dollar is high, the need is even more indispensible.