
Authentic (真.活)


It is Jesus whom you seek when you dream of happiness; he is the one who awaits you when nothing that you find satisfies you; he is the beauty which attracts you so much; he is the one who moves you to that thirst for the root of things which does not let you stay trapped in conformism; it is he who gives you the impulse to set aside masks which make for a false life; it is he who reads in your hearts the most authentic decisions that others try to stifle. It is Jesus who spurs you to want to make your life something more authentic than others would wish. It is Jesus who urges you to want to do something great in your life, the will to follow an ideal, the rejection of letting yourself be taken in by mediocrity, the courage to commit yourself with humility and perseverance to improving yourselves and society, making it more human and fraternal.



好一陣子沒有在這裏寫東西,是因為我進行另一個翻譯項目。這次對象是一本蘇菲派的經典《智慧珍寶》(The Bezels of Wisdom)。由於小弟只學了阿拉伯文的皮毛,加上內容是有關神秘主義的哲學,譯註起來非常燒腦。然而,至今譯出來的東西,我仍是覺得很美,很值得。希望有天能完成,與大家分享。如果你認識伊斯蘭或有興趣出版這類書的出版社,歡迎介紹,感謝!
