科爾賀的小說,要看原文才能欣賞其優美的修辭。所以與其寫書評,不如再像上次介紹《波特貝羅女巫》(Bruxa) 那樣,節錄給大家自己欣賞。又由於未有專業的中譯,以下只是小弟試譯,聊作參考。
(She's) always starting things and then giving up... perhaps life would soon realise this and stop presenting her with the same opportunities over and over... Or perhaps, by always giving up when she had only started, she had exhausted all possible paths without even taking a single step. (p. 46)
Jesus, sweating blood, was praying to God and asking Him to remove the cup from which he was being forced to drink. But why if he already knew he was the son of God? ...Because he only knew it with his heart. If he was absolutely sure, his mission would be meaningless, because he would not be entirely human. Being human means having doubts and yet still continuing on your path... He had taken a chance and plunged, as all men do, into the Dark Night, knowing that he would only find the answer at the end of his journey...
Lord, we're all in the world to run the risks of that Dark Night. I'm afraid of death, but even more afraid of wasting my life. I'm afraid of love, because it involves things that are beyond our understanding; it sheds such a brilliant light, but the shadow it casts frightens me. (p. 196-197)
It was important that there were still people... who were not afraid of the Dark Night of the Soul... Each step, each act of faith, redeemed the whole human race anew. As long as there were people who knew that, in God's eyes, all of man's wisdom was madness, the world would continue along the path of light. (p. 225)
We plunge into the Dark Night with faith, we fulfil what the ancient alchemists used to call our Personal Legend and we surrender ourselves fully to each moment, knowing that there is always a hand to guide us, and whether we accept it or not is entirely up to us. (p. 156-158)
God placed in the hands of each and every person a Gift, the instrument He used to reveal Himself to the world and to help humanity. God chose human being to be His helpers on Earth. (p. 222)
The whole of man's life on the face of Earth can be summed up by that search for his Soulmate. He may pretend to be running after wisdom, money or power, but none of that matters. Whatever he achieves will be incomplete if he fails to find his Soulmate. (p. 57)
There are no risks in Love, as you'll find out for yourself. People have been searching for and finding each other for thousands of years... he might be wrong. There was always a risk, a single risk: that one person might meet with more than one Soulmate in the same incarnation, as had happened millennia before. (p. 103)
People give flowers as presents because flowers contain the true meaning of Love. Anyone who tries to possess a flower will have to watch its beauty fading. But if you simply look at a flower in a field, you will keep it forever, because the flower is part of the evening and the sunset and the smell of damp earth and the clouds on the horizon... That is what the forest taught me. That you will never be mine, and that is why I will never lose you. (p. 240-241)
人們送花 (給情人),全因花朵代表了愛情的真諦。誰想擁有一朵花,都要看著它的美慢慢消逝。但若你只是觀賞田野間的花朵,你便永遠擁有它,因為這花屬於黃昏、日落、泥土氣味和天際雲霞的一部分。這就是森林教曉我的:這是你永遠不屬於我,而我亦永遠不會失去你。
That was the glory of man - to nurture and maintain knowledge. To women was given something far more subtle and fragile, but without which knowledge makes no sense at all, and that thing was transformation... When male knowledgde joins with female transformation, then the great magical union is created, and its name is Wisdom. Wisdom means both to know and to transform. (p. 57-58)
No human being who has walked this planet was or is different from the others. The great Teachers from the past had the same qualities and the same defects as all men, and that this in no way diminished their ability to search for God. Judging oneself to be inferior to other people was one of the worst acts of pride he knew, because it was the most destructive way of being different. (p. 95)
Why are we here? ... We don't look for an answer, we accept, and then life becomes much more intense, much more brilliant, because we understand that each minute, each step that we take, has a meaning that goes far beyond us as individuals. We realise that somewhere in time and space this question does have an answer. We realise that there is a reason for us being here, and for us, that is enough.
(You) ought to spend more time reading the Bible, which contains all the true occult wisdom. (p. 113)
In her life, every woman can make use of the Four Rings of Revelation... the virgin, the saint, the martyr and the witch... They are four ways in which woman can commune with the Universe... The Virgin has the power of both man and woman. She is condemned to Solitude, but Solitude reveals its secrets. That is the price paid by the Virgin - to need no one, to wear herself out in her love for others, and through Solitude, to discover the wisdom of the world... the Martyr has the power of those who cannot be harmed by pain and suffering. She surrenders herself, suffers and, through Sacrifice, discovers the wisdom of the world... The Saint has the courage of those for whom giving is the only way of receiving. They are a bottomless well from which people can constantly draw water to drink. And if the well runs dry, the Saint offers her blood so that others need never go thirsty. Through surrender, the Saint discovers the wisdom of the world... With that ring (of Witch), the wisdom of the world was discovered through Pleasure. (p. 73-74)
May the Virgin Mary free us from those marks and put an end for ever to our sense of guilt. We feel guilty when we go out to work because we're leaving our children in order to earn money to feed them. We feel guilty when we stay at home because it seems we're not making the most of our freedom. We feel guilty about everything, because we have always been kept far from decision-making and from power.
願童貞瑪利亞把我們 (女性) 從我們的社會標籤與罪咎感中釋放出來。我們不但工作時感內咎,因為我們要丟下自己的小孩去賺錢養育他們;我們在家時亦內咎,因為我們彷彿浪費了自己的自由。我們對什麼都感內咎,因為我們一直遠離決策與權力。
May the Virgin Mary remind us always that it was the women who stayed with Jesus when all the men fled and denied their faith. That it was the women who wept while he carried the cross and who waited at his feet at the hour of his death. That it was the women who visited the empty tomb, and that we have no reason to feel guilty. (p. 117-118)
6 則留言:
水平嘛,我就不敢說有,大家研究一下則無妨 :)