老實說,這些訊息都是一切老生常談,很多都是印度諺語、大眾心理學、或新紀元思想。然而,溫故而知新,「知」亦不等於記得「行」,所以有空一看亦無妨。以下是一些我覺得寫得挺好的節錄 (Sharma, 2006):
"So, if I want to have the inner strength to get up earlier, eat less, read more, worry less, be more patient or be more loving, all I have to do is exert my will to cleanse my thoughts?"
"When you control your thoughts, you control your mind. When you control your mind, you control your life. And once you reach the stage of being in total control of your life, you become the master of your destiny." (p. 151)
"You have the power to be more than your environment. Similarly, you have the capacity to be more than a prisoner of your past. To do this, you must become the master of your will." (p. 155)
"Remember, words are great influencers. Words are the verbal embodiment of power. By filling your mind with words of kindness, you become kind. By filling your mind with words of courage, you become courageous. Words has power... This is the mantra I suggest you repeat at least thirty times a day: I am more than I appear to be, all the world's strength and power rests inside me." (p. 153)
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience." (p. 170)
"...when we are born, we are crying while the world rejoices... we should live our lives in such a way that when we die, the world cries while we are rejoicing." (p. 176)
當我們出生時,我們在哭而身邊的世界在歡騰;我們應該努力 (過服務別人的) 生活,希望自己離世時是身邊的世界在哭而我們自己在歡騰。
"Remember... life doesn't always give you what you ask for, but it always gives you what you need." (p. 189)
記著,生命 (神) 並不給你要的東西,而是給你你需要的東西。
Sharma, R. S. (1998/2006). The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. HarperCollins Publishers. Retrieved from http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Monk-Who-Sold-His-Ferrari/Robin-S-Sharma/e/9780062515674/
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